fstrim arch linux
fstrim arch linux

2023年6月18日—除定期執行TRIM指令外(若使用fstrim.timer則默認為每周),也可每次在文件被刪除後就立即執行TRIM指令(這被稱為ContinuousTRIM)。警吿:在SATA ...,2022年12月3日—FromwhatIread,Igottheimpressionthatfstrimtellsthedrivefirmwarewhichblocksaren...

Solid state drive

2024年3月31日—Theutil-linuxpackageprovidesfstrim.serviceandfstrim.timersystemdunitfiles.Enablingthetimerwillactivatetheserviceweekly.The ...

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2023年6月18日 — 除定期執行TRIM指令外(若使用 fstrim.timer 則默認為每周),也可每次在文件被刪除後就立即執行TRIM指令(這被稱為Continuous TRIM)。 警吿: 在SATA ...


2022年12月3日 — From what I read, I got the impression that fstrim tells the drive firmware which blocks are no longer in use by the OS.


2023年5月30日 — It is recommended by Arch wiki so yes, it is recommended.

arch linux enable ssd trim (fstrim)

antergos - arch linux enable ssd trim (fstrim). GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

arch linux

2020年4月27日 — Periodically: When the fstrim tool asks it to. Continuously: Whenever files are deleted, if the filesystem was mounted with the discard option.

Make sure fstrim is actually fstrimming!

2023年2月8日 — Fstrim reported amount of trimmed space is always equal to your free space. Just try running it second time. It is not clever tool it just ...


2023年2月14日 — Hello,. I wonder if I should use TRIM on my SSD. I have three drives: - one SSD (/dev/sda) with my /boot and /root folders;

Solid state drive

2024年3月31日 — The util-linux package provides fstrim.service and fstrim.timer systemd unit files. Enabling the timer will activate the service weekly. The ...


fstrim is used on a mounted filesystem to discard (or trim) blocks which are not in use by the filesystem. This is useful for solid-state drives (SSDs) and ...


2023年6月18日—除定期執行TRIM指令外(若使用fstrim.timer則默認為每周),也可每次在文件被刪除後就立即執行TRIM指令(這被稱為ContinuousTRIM)。警吿:在SATA ...,2022年12月3日—FromwhatIread,IgottheimpressionthatfstrimtellsthedrivefirmwarewhichblocksarenolongerinusebytheOS.,2023年5月30日—ItisrecommendedbyArchwikisoyes,itisrecommended.,antergos-archlinuxenablessdtrim(fstrim).GitHubGist:instantlyshareco...